World No Tobacco Day 2021 in Fortitude Valley: Commit to Quit!
World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world every year on May 31.
This yearly celebration aims to support people in their attempt to give up tobacco through various initiatives and digital solutions.
Top 5 Effects of Smoking on Oral Health
Gum Disease
When ignored, your gums and the tissues around your teeth can become irritated and recede away from the teeth.
The bacteria in plaque is most often the culprit for infection.
Tobacco is a guilty party as smokers who smoke 1.5 packs per day are 6 times more likely to have gum disease than non-smokers.
Smoking limits blood vessel growth, which slows the healing process for damaged gums.
Fortunately, smokers that quit can return their risk of gum disease to that of a non-smoker in about 11 years.
Oral Cancer
Smoking is one of the main risk factors for oral cancer.
Those who smoke have a great risk of developing oral cancer.
People who have quit smoking have the same risk of developing oral cancer as non-smokers, so it’s never too late to stop.
Oral cancer for those who smoke is most likely to occur on the sides of the tongue, the floor of the mouth and lips. It can also occur in other areas of the mouth.
Slowed Healing
Tobacco use makes it harder for the body’s immune system to fight infections. This delays healing after tooth removal or injuries in the mouth.
Smoking may lead to the following conditions:
Dental implants would have a higher chance to fail.
Tooth extraction site would be more prone to infection.
Gum disease treatment would be less effective.
Stained Teeth
The main sources of teeth stains are food (coffee, red wine, etc.) and tobacco. The first is fine in moderation. Tobacco is not.
Nicotine and tar in cigarettes are doing the staining — from your hands and walls in your home to your teeth.
Visit your Fortitude Valley dentist today for a teeth whitening procedure.
Bad Breath
Smoking and chewing tobacco can leave chemicals that remain in the mouth. It can also precipitate other bad breath causes such as gum disease or oral cancers.
Quit Smoking Today!
Consult your dentist at Precision Dental to create a quitting plan that’s best for you and your oral health.
Call your Fortitude Valley dentist on (07) 3852 1160 or simply book your appointment online.
We are located at S13, HQ South Tower, 520 Wickham St in Fortitude Valley.
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